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Mon. - Fri : 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Sat. - Sun : 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
630-432-4953 |
300 S. Carlton Ave. Wheaton, IL 60187

New Customers
1. Please visit this link to register:
2. Once you've registered, please call (630) 432-4953 to schedule a trial day.
3. Please upload a current copy of vaccination records to Gingrapp.
(Dogs: Distemper, Lepto, Rabies, Bordetella, Annual Negative Fecal)
(Cats: Distemper, Rabies)
All dogs must attend a trial day $29 before a daycare or overnight boarding reservation will be made.
Please make sure your pet is current on vaccinations and that your dog is spayed or neutered if over 1 year of age.
We recommend flea and tick medication and the flu vaccine but do not require them.
We Look Forward to Caring for Your Pet!
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